
Dream Vacation, 2002, inlaid paper collage


Torluemke of Hammond Indiana is one of the state’s most innovative artists, with both the talent and the aesthetic maturity to successfully realize his visions.

Torluemke's work is both playful & profound. By employing collage techniques that are reminiscent of grade school art projects and by manipulating and recycling his own pre-drawn images within this medium, Torluemke strikes a perfect balance between accessible abstraction and innovation and the results, in a word, are stunning.

Julie Pratt McQuiston
Indianapolis, NUVO weekly newspaper, October 17, 2002

Moon Monster, 24" x 20", inlaid paper collage

A Couple, 2002, 24 x 12”, inlaid paper collage


To The Hilt, 2002, (detail, 2 panels of 6), 11 x 36” inlaid paper collage